Now is the PERFECT time for servicing your classic military jeep or CJ

Now is the PERFECT time for servicing your classic military jeep or CJ to clean it up from any Spring, Summer or Fall trail rides through the Sonoma or Napa County Wine Country valleys and hills or other Bay Area back-roads.  Are you getting ready to go on a hunting trip for geese, deer or wild boars? Were you been you driving through the rows of vineyards as you prepared for harvest?

Always remember to check your jeep for safety before taking it off-road and after you return from your trip. Mud and dirt can be brutal to your driveline and braking systems if you do not clean them thoroughly when you return from your trip. The low temperatures and excessive moisture from the winter storms can also be problematic when you store your jeep for the winter months.

When did you have your jeep serviced last?  When did you have your jeep’s brakes serviced last?  Schedule a safety check of your 1941 to 1954 WWII, Korean or Civilian Jeep with me.  I have been collecting, restoring and maintaining these vehicles for over 16 years.

Contact Terry at (707) 542-4353 to schedule an appointment or send me an email at Check out my website at for more information.

I look forward to meeting you and providing you with the service that your jeep deserves today.

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